Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year/ Whole 30 Eve

Well, I have to say, it's been a tough year. Whether it's the acrid nature of everything you see on TV, the horrible Midwest weather, or being in a job/position that is not what I want, I am ready for 2018 to be over. All cards on the table. I have really not been a good steward of myself this year. I have drank too much, eaten too much, not always been as active as I wanted... And so I start the new year in a physical and metaphysical deficit. My whole being could use a much needed break. And so it is with that intention in mind, that I have decided to start the year doing the Whole 30 program in January, which will actually make it the Whole 31 for me. Since I had not knowledge of the "program" until last week, I thought I would share how I have prepared for it. I started by searching the internet for information, which there is no shortage of. I found some very helpful sites that I believe will make this month easier than if I went into it winging it. First I started with a couple of blogs that offered "30 slow cooker Whole 30 compliant freezer meals".  I found them by searching Pinterest for "Whole 30". I decided to go through the ones I had found (Family Freezer and New Leaf Wellness were two) and chose 14 that I though best suited our tastes and needs. There is no point in making something I know we won't like. I then made a shopping list, and looked through my local circulars to find the best(cheapest) places to fill it.
  Even though I had not intention of buying the book with all of the information online, I was at Costco, and decided that having a reference, as well as some additional recipes couldn't hurt.
  It took me about 6 hours of meal prepping to do all 14 freezer/crock-pot meals. When you think about it, that is a very small investment to have meals ready to go on the days I may not feel like cooking and would otherwise, possibly, make bad decisions that would derail the program. I numbered each bag, along with the recipe name, to make it easier to find the corresponding recipe. I then put all of the recipes I planned to use in a binder, making it effortless for me or my boyfriend to have the information we needed at hand. I then made a calendar to hang on the fridge, so there was no reason to ask "What's for dinner?".
The last thing I did was make the homemade spice blends and sauces (mayo, ketchup, Sunshine sauce) to be ready to go tomorrow morning. I will be keeping myself accountable by blogging how each day went, along with what I ate and how I feel. I hope if you have questions or are on the same journey this month, you will contact me and we can help support each other through our healthy goals.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 7

So, today is day 7 of my 24 day first Advocare challenge. I can't believe how fast it is going by and that I still have not broken down and had coffee or cheese. I was so afraid that I would have terrible cravings or walk around in a stupor without my usual three cups of coffee in the morning, nothing like it!

I also managed to run not one, but two 5ks this weekend, one on Friday night and one on Sunday morning. I had really slacked off on my running over the winter, and I managed to have my best time in months on Friday, and only be slightly behind that on Sunday.

 Today I set myself up to finish the Cleanse phase strong by prepping meals for my boyfriend and I to eat for lunch and dinner. A couple of days ago I was getting a little discouraged, the fiber had my abdomen in knots and I felt like giving up, then I got on the scale. I was 6 lbs down from day 1 and I have maintained that 6 lbs off. That has really motivated me to go for it in the Max phase and get the most I can out of the program.
Yummy breakfast wrap!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Starting Again (and again and again) Day 1!

So many restarts and fails since my last post. Two weeks ago I ran a half marathon at Disney, and although I finished, I finally knew things had to change. I was 25 minutes slower than the last half I ran 4 years ago, I was so tired, and the pictures(eek). Things need to change and I have to change them.   

So today I started Advocare's 24 day challenge. No matter how much I worked out, my nutrition was not in check and I know you can't out workout a bad diet. 

I've seen some very positive results from people on this challenge and am dedicated to changing myself.   I got my pack in the mail last Thursday, but decided I needed to plan so that I could meal prep before starting it.     I spent a couple of hours figuring out what my meal plan would be and prepping the meals, snacks, and bags with my supplements.

I am glad I did! Today went so smooth. I was most afraid of not having my coffee, I was shocked that I didn't even miss it. I had appointments today and was stuck in traffic for an hour, so glad I packed my snacks, no temptation to stop somewhere. I really think I can do this. I stuck to the plan, got 60 mins of exercise, and feel good about the day.   I'm not quite ready to share the before pics I took, but I want to be accountable so I will post my highs and lows. Wish me luck.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Epic Fail......for awhile, but I am back at it.

I was really "Gung Ho" about everything in my last post.

Ready to go! No one could stop me!

.......Except myself :(

After all that planning, one bad day(extremely bad night really) sent me crashing back into old (bad)habits and off my plan.

So, don't tell my other self this, but I quietly started a new plan. And guess what, I'm sticking to it.

I decided that one of the things that I have really missed is my regular running. We lived in an area for 2 years that was not very conducive to running, and the gym was 30 minutes away, so most days I could come up with a hundred excuses not to run, and did.

You see, I never ran as a kid, or in high school, or in college. I started running when I was 38. Very slowly obviously. The year I turned 40 I completed 12 half marathons, one a month, all over the country. It was a huge win for me after my divorce. It was my way of telling myself "I had this". I still have all those shirts and bibs and medals and lots more.

Mine are on the left, the boys are on the right(because I sometimes make them run with me).

But this past year, I've only run a couple 5k's, and some months I didn't run a single mile.

So two weeks ago I programmed my trusty Nike Running app(it has tracked all my miles all these years and I love it) to coach me for a 10k coming up in November. Ask anyone, Nike coaching for anything is not exactly a Couch to 5k. They come out of the gate serious. But so far......

I am rocking it!!!

I've also cut my portions by about a 1/3 and have at least one fresh smoothie a day in place of a meal(because I am terrible at getting my fruits and veggies in otherwise).

I decided one little change at a time is how I am going to accomplish this. Every time I try to make 50 big sweeping changes at the start of a week or the start of a month. I fail. So this time I am concentrating on one day and one decision at a time. Sometimes I make the right ones and sometimes I don't, and I'm trying really hard not to beat myself up when that happens.

Wish me luck, again. I'm off for my scheduled 4 mile run today. I got this!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Like a turtle through mud...

So, it's been almost a week and although I haven't started all the changes I have planned yet, I have implemented at least some of them.

I have been able to make sure I work out almost everyday, in some form at least. I have been very careful about what types of food I've been eating(except for a few lapses in judgement involving potato chips.

I did do some meal planning for this week so that I had everything I need to at least make healthy dinners. And next week I will be do meal prep on the weekend to make eating healthy a no brainer.

So far I am down 2 pounds, but I figure that is mostly water weight, and I can feel the difference 50-100 squats are making.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Grinning and baring it.

Where to start.

I am starting this blog because I am tired of trying to improve my health, body, and stress levels and failing/quitting over and over again.

A little about me. I have one horribly failed marriage behind me, two great teenage boys(so I guess this isn't baby weight anymore), a wonderful man to share life with that makes me laugh every morning when I wake up and before I go to sleep at night, and a career that is very stressful but often rewarding.

I am a very creative and handy person.  I have made furniture, sewn quilts and clothing, love gardening all summer long, crochet obsessively, rehabbed old houses, and pretty much anything else that strikes my fancy.

The year I turned 40 I ran a half marathon every month, which was probably the best shape I've ever been in. And it has been all downhill, physically, since then. In the last 3 years I've gained 40 pounds and am at my heaviest ever(excluding when I was pregnant). I have been trying for the last year to get back to the active and healthy lifestyle I managed in my "year of running". I have tried infomercial DVD and diet plans, Pinterest 30 day challenges, crazy cleansing rituals, and have not been able to stick to any. So I have been reading and gathering lots and lots of information and want to try to incorporate what seems like a plan I can actually stick to.

Where does this blog come in?

I need accountability. My boyfriend tells me it doesn't matter what weight I am, I am beautiful. I can still run a 5k in under 30 minutes. But I know that I need to lose some of the weight and improve my eating habits for me. As I get older, it will only get harder and the health ramifications of excess abdominal fat as well as weight are things I'd like to avoid. So I will post my progress here, and even if no one comes to my blog to read it, it is out there and if I fail, I fail publicly. Maybe that is what I need, to stop hiding behind baggier and baggier cloths and put it all out there for everyone to see.

So here goes. Here are my measurements from today:

Weight: 163.6 lbs
Waist: 36 inches
Hips: 41 inches
Chest: 40 inches
Thighs: 25/24 inches

I have a exercise plan in place that includes weight training as well as cardio and an eating plan that focuses on eating non processed, whole foods.

So, if you read this I hope you cheer me on, if not in the end I have to cheer myself on to really make it work anyway.